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Nova Siri Genetics is already planning their 2022 strawberry campaign

May 31, 2021
nova siri genetics - camera di crescita

An exciting strawberry campaign is about to end for Nova Siri Genetics, the Lucanian genetic improvement company which in 2021 saw the consolidation and affirmation of new varieties in the Mediterranean areas and especially in the southern regions of Italy.

Alongside the Melissa variety, present for some years in Campania and Sicily, the presence of the NSG 120 cultivar (commercial brand Rossetta®) has been strengthened, while also the new variety NSG 203 (commercial brand Marimbella®) has found a positive response from the industry.

Rossetta confirms itself as the Premium Price strawberry awarded by the market for its excellent organoleptic characteristics, the beauty of the fruits and the sweet and aromatic pulp. Marimbella, on the other hand, represented a real surprise for the producers, who appreciated its earliness, differences in production and excellent commercial life.
For the 2022 strawberry campaign, NSG has already planned the multiplication of strawberry seedlings in Poland and Spain, at authorized nurseries.

Polish nursery

"For example, for the creation of strawberry fields in Southern Italy - explains Nicola Tufaro, breeder of the company - which will start from the first week of October 2021, 120 hectares of nurseries have been created in Poland. Mother plants of the NSG 120 varieties, NSG 203, NSG 207 and Melissa were planted at the turn of March and April. To date they are in the growth phase and begin to emit the first stolons which, as they develop, will become the strawberry seedlings for the next campaign".

The strawberry seedlings of the NSG cultivars are distributed in Italy by "Primi Frutti SRL", which has its headquarters in Basilicata and storage warehouses in Trentola Ducenta (CE), Battipaglia (SA), Pizzo Calabro (VV) and Marsala (TP).

Source: FreshPlaza