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Rossetta® successfully guides Nova Siri Genetics' commitment to the strawberry sector

May 7, 2021
nova siri genetics - rossetta still life

The Rossetta® campaign, the NSG120 variety licensed by some producers selected by the Nova Siri Genetics company, creator of the Variety Club dedicated to strawberries, will end in the first days of June.

The “new entry” Rossetta® was immediately rewarded by the Italian market, which recognized the superior quality of the cultivar, positioned in the Premium price range. "The production of this variety – - explains Nova Siri Genetics breeder Nicola Tufaro - – was very early and gradual, without production peaks, despite a campaign characterized by cold and low temperatures". The distinctive packaging designed for the Rossetta® brand has further enhanced this strawberry, which stands out for its bright red color, elongated conical shape and exceptional organoleptic characteristics.To date, the quantity for each plant is over 500 grams; about 70% of the expected production which, according to estimates, will be around 700 grams per plant.

The promotion of the brand for the different sales channels

Rossetta® was supported this year by marketing and communications activities put in place by the NSG Variety Club. Various initiatives have been activated, which involved buyers, wholesalers and retailers: among these, the distribution of Rossetta® branded cardboard food bags, posters, promotional material, aiming at an easier identification of Rossetta® points of purchase. In addition, social campaigns were carried out on the profiles of the Rossetta® brand (Facebook and Instagram), also aimed at end consumers, with the involvement of food influencers who prepared recipes with Rossetta® and provided their product feedback.

The Strawberry Variety Club project and the involvement of market players

The success of Rossetta® also marks the year zero of the Nova Siri Genetics Variety Club dedicated to strawberries, created to preside over all market segments with different line brands, with distinctive positioning. In the last few months, the Club has involved many players in the sector, nurserymen, strawberry growers and buyers, to evaluate the new varieties from both the production and the market point of view. "Everyone was satisfied with the varieties proposed by Nova Siri Genetics, not only for Rossetta® but also for the NSG 203 variety (known under the Marimbella® brand) and the NSG 207 variety (known under the Gioelita® brand). Particularly appreciated were the rusticity and productivity of the varieties, earliness, gradual production, excellent shelf-life and organoleptic characteristics of the fruits.

NSG Gold Sponsor of the International Strawberry Symposium

Nova Siri Genetics took part, as Gold Sponsor, in the International Symposium of Strawberry, organized by CREA and the Polytechnic University of Marche, held from 1st to 5th May 2021. In this online edition, NSG proposed its own virtual stand, a digital tour of the main research and experimentation sites, as well as a technical-scientific mini documentary in which collaborators talked about their work and their experience.

"During the five days - says Alida Stigliano, Nova Siri Genetics Marketing and Communications Manager - which were really intense and profitable, we could focus on identifying the current needs of producers and consumers, to direct research to their full satisfaction. At the same time, we could convey our everyday values, our working procedures and our current objectives to the entire world, as well as meet new customers, buyers and companies with whom we could establish collaborations within the Variety Club dedicated to strawberries ".

Source: Ufficio Stampa Nova Siri Genetics