(+39) 342 84.37.577
Via San Maurizio, 46 - 75025 - Policoro (MT)

Nova Siri Genetics, an innovative supply chain approach for the strawberry sector.

March 14, 2022
nova siri genetics - nsg network articolo

Research related to production as a function of market and customer satisfaction. All the operators gathered in the NSG Network. On 31st March Open Day destined to stakeholders.

Not only research and experimentation but also direct contact with the market aimed at identifying and suggesting the varieties most appreciated by production and final consumers: Nova Siri Genetics, a company from Policoro, approaches to the strawberry sector with an innovative spirit, a sound scientific basis and a specific focus on early varieties, suitable for the Mediterranean basin.

The company, young but already internationally well positioned, with its best-known cultivars Melissa, Rossetta® (NSG 120) and Marimbella® (NSG 203), has set out on a segmentation path of the offer so as to preside over the shelf up to 8-9 months a year with premium varieties with low environmental impact, high organoleptic quality and a fine aesthetic.

What distinguishes the approach is the spirit of partnership which binds all the subjects of the supply chain, nurserymen, producers and distributors, in a continuous exchange of information: “The task of identifying new varieties by NSG – explains EMEA director Carmela Suriano – is realised in the tests carried out by the nurserymen and their customers, who provide valuable feedback for our research work. Compared to the past, laboratory activity is finally closely linked to what happens in the field and subsequently on the consumer table”.

The NSG Network, sharing of experiences available to producers

To consolidate this relationship mode and make it even more effective NSG has devised a Network that involves all stakeholders, oriented to satisfy the market demand. “Thanks to the Network, success is shared and each subject is valued in its specific area of activity”. To identify the NSG Network are the logo, which is officialy launched these days, and a space dedicated on the website www.novasirigenetics.com which will make all the partners of the supply chain visible and will also perform the communicative function on the activities carried out by the various operators.

Market control in Italy and Spain

The varieties of NSG are present in the most suitable territories for the production of early varieties: southern Italy and countries of the Mediterranean basin. In the regions of southern Italy NSG cultivars represent about 37% of the 2,500 hectares (CSO data) cultivated with strawberries in 2022, which correspond to approximately 62 million plants in total of the NSG varieties. In Andalusia, where there is the largest concentration of strawberry producers worldwide, NSG already holds a significant position. Of the 400 million plants present, 8% - equal to 35 million – is represented by the varieties of the Italian company. “This makes us very proud: we are able to compete on an equal basis with structured players with an important history, gaining market shares in a very selective sector”. Building on the achievements it has been obtaining in recent years, NSG is today an international player that intends to make space in the Mediterranean basin, alongside and in support of producers, with the most suitable varieties for the market.

Open Day and opening of the Research and Experimentation Centre on 31st March

To tell about the work done daily within the company, NSG is organising an in-house event for business partners, trade press and local press on 31st March: on that occasion, visitors will be shown the laboratory, the innovative greenhouse and the experimental fields.